Shaped by the Gospel, strengthened for life’s journey, called to lead with purpose and finish the race.

LEAD is an 8-month intensive program that will transform your walk with God. At LEAD we engage in meaningful community, service, and adventure together. Join us from September to April to experience crazy adventures, limitless growth, and build relationships that will last a lifetime.


The LEAD program is for young adults (ages 17-25) who have a genuine desire to grow in their relationship with God, their leadership abilities and walk it out in a faith-based community.



LEAD exists to develop young leaders with a confidence in their identity in Christ and knowledge of the Gospel. We will equip and empower young leaders to lead with integrity, inspire others, and make a lasting impact.
We will encourage them to live vulnerably, grow deeply, embrace adventure, face challenges with courage, and become better disciples, following His voice wherever He calls with faithfulness.


Our vision is for a healthy Christ-centered community where individuals are drawn back year after year because of the deep relationships formed during LEAD and their shared commitment to the vision of InterVarsity. We see young leaders as faithful followers of God’s calling – whether at camp or beyond – living out their ministry with passion and purpose.
We see a program that nurtures personal growth through the commitment to building resilience through our mutual love of the outdoors. LEADs will be engaging in new activities that push young leaders out of their comfort zone into experiences that foster both spiritual and practical development. We will do this as we lean into the adventure of backpacking, canoeing, horseback riding, and so much more!
Through this program, young leaders will gain the skills and confidence needed for the next season of their lives. They will develop a deeper understanding of the Gospel and learn how to share it with others. As they build strong interpersonal skills, they will form meaningful relationships that will support them beyond camp.
Adventure Days will expose them to new experiences, helping them grow in courage and adaptability. They will also learn about servant leadership by supporting the Guest Group Ministry of Alberta Pioneer. They will learn how to share the Gospel in attitude, deed, and lifestyle through Godly hospitality, servant leadership, and hard work.
As they immerse themselves in Scripture – wrestling with questions and seeking truth – they will be challenged and strengthened in their faith. Along the way, they will learn the value of authenticity, the power of resilience, and the importance of walking alongside others with wisdom and grace.

Our Core Values:


At LEAD, we believe the Gospel is the driving force behind everything we do. The Gospel is the message of Jesus Christ – His life, death, resurrection, and coming return – that calls everyone into a transformed life. We believe that Jesus’ teachings, sacrificial atonement, and resurrection power invites us into the best redemption story for this present life and promises freedom in the life to come. This Gospel is not just a belief but something we courageously live out in our daily lives through faith and service.


We are committed to cultivating a community that loves and passionately proclaims the Gospel to those in need.


“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

At LEAD, we believe that relationship is the heart of the Gospel. God created humanity with the intention of connection, with Himself and one another. We believe that being in right relationship with God and each other is the foundation necessary for growth in spiritual maturity. It is what the Gospel is all about.


We are committed to fostering a culture of humility, grace, and love so that relationships can flourish. This equips us to live out God’s purpose in our lives together.


“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:38-39)

At LEAD, we believe that growth is a lifelong endeavor which thrives when faith, challenge, and community come together. True growth happens when we submit ourselves to God’s Spirit and allow Him to do the transforming.


We believe that growth is best done in community, so that we can be challenged spiritually, emotionally, and personally together. Growth isn’t about perfection; it’s about embracing our humanity, submitting to God, and continually being transformed by the power of the Gospel.


“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7)

At LEAD, we believe that vulnerability is a strength that builds beautiful connections and deepens our faith as we walk towards God together. As we embrace honesty and humility, we create space for God to work in and through us. Vulnerability creates real community that digs deeper than the surface and allows us to lift up one another in love.


We are committed to creating a culture where transparency is honored, and every individual is unashamedly met with love and grace to be empowered to walk in the freedom of the Gospel.


“My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

At LEAD, we believe that adventure is more than just an exciting experience – it is a choice to step into the unknown with faith and expectation. We believe that the Gospel calls us into a life that is bold and courageous. Whether through physical journeys, spiritual journeys, or simply stepping outside of the comfort zone, LEAD aims to face these challenges head on. When we step into adventure, our faith becomes stronger and our dependence on God grows.


We are committed to seeking adventure together and spurring each other on as we run the race of faith in this life.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

At LEAD, we believe that everybody has influence. Influence is a powerful force that must be used with intention and integrity. Intentional influence is about acting with purpose in every situation. We are committed to fostering a culture where influence is intentional and God honoring. Whether in hosting guest groups, engaging in Bible studies, or serving others, we aim to share the truth of the Gospel and uplift those around us.


We believe that our influence has lasting value on everyone we meet. By being intentional with our influence, we contribute to a culture where every service and interaction matters.


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for people.” (Colossians 4:5)

Some Facts…

Overview: The LEAD Program (Leadership Experience and Discipleship) is an 8-month intensive program that will transform your walk with God. At LEAD we engage in meaningful community, service, and adventure together. Join us from September to April to experience crazy adventures, limitless growth, and build relationships that will last a lifetime.

3 Main Components of the LEAD Program:

Spiritual and Leadership Development

  • Attend all LEAD events and teaching sessions.
  • On average 2 teaching days a week. In busy months this may not be possible; there will be extra teaching days during the slower months to compensate.
  • Monthly Adventure Days.
  • Communal Bible studies.
  • Communal book studies including topics of leadership and spiritual development.
  • Involvement in local churches.
  • Intentional mentorship.

Work Experience

LEADs will serve at camp in the following ways:

  • Basic Site Maintenance
    • Snow removal, lawn upkeep, painting, etc.
  • Helping with new projects around the site.
  • Housekeeping in preparation of rental group arrivals as well as post-departure.
  • Facilitating activities for rental groups including archery, climbing, hiking, canoeing, horseback riding, etc.
  • Facilitating mealtimes for rental groups.
  • Facilitating Group Discussions and Worship Sets for rental groups.


Adventure and Outdoor Skill Building

  • Hiking Trips
  • Horseback Riding Trips
  • Canoeing Trips
  • Hard Skills Training Weekends
  • Wilderness First Aid Training
  • Outdoor Survival Skills (fire building, shelter building, navigation, etc.)


  • Personal relationship with Jesus Christ and desire to grow as a follower
  • Teachable, helpful, friendly, hard-working, maintain a positive attitude, reliable, flexible, and a team player
  • Minimum age 17
  • Police clearance via Police Reference Check
  • Signed Statement of Faith Agreement & Code of Conduct Policy

Length of Program: September to April (Exact dates will vary.)


An Overview of Daily Activities:


  • These are our teaching/learning days.

Rental Group

  • When Rental Groups are present on site, we focus our attention on caring well for their needs and providing the services they require. For many of the groups it means leading activity blocks, serving meals, and helping with dishes. Will be required to assist as directed with cleaning and sanitization procedures as directed by leading health authorities.

Work Project

  • When there is no Rental Group booked in at either of our sites (the Lodge or Ranch) and it is not a LEAD day, LEADs will assist with Lodge or Ranch site maintenance projects. These projects are diverse in nature and can include things like: painting, cleaning, fixing, snow removal, etc.

Off Days

  • These are your days for rest. Generally, LEADs get 2 days off a week, the specific days may vary.

Adventure Days

  • LEADS will have 2-4 adventure days per month. These Adventure Days can include but are not limited to Hiking, Canoeing, Horseback Riding, Road Trips, and Christian/Leadership Conferences. These Adventure Days are intended to build skill, step outside of comfort zones, and engage in meaningful community connections.

The cost to you is your investment of time and energy as you respond to God’s work in your life through participation in LEAD. Participants will receive a $175 monthly stipend plus room and board. Books and resources will be provided as part of the program. Any Adventure Day expenses will be covered by generous financial donors.

Participants will stay on site at our Pioneer Lodge, Sundre location. There will be a common meeting area used for teaching. LEADs may share a living space for sleeping accommodations. Housing and Food are provided at no cost as part of the program.

LEAD is an intentional and intense 8-month experience, starting at the beginning of September and going to the end of April. There will be time off in December as well as opportunity for time off during the year, including a weekly Sabbath. The goal is to place participants in camp ministry or other active ministry following the completion of the program.

We are looking for applicants who are energetic, determined, hard-working and sincerely interested in growing in their faith. Each applicant must be a high school graduate. The application and following interview will give clarification on details of the program and determine your compatibility for the program.

  1. To apply for the LEAD program, please fill out the online application and submit it.
  2. References will be checked.
  3. An interview date will be set up.

Apply for LEAD
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My Mountain Top Experience With LEAD


Jessica Grant joined Pioneer Camp Alberta’s 8-month Leadership, Evangelism and Discipleship program (LEAD) in September 2019. Jess is from Orange, Australia and, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, had to return home earlier than planned in March. Jess was asked to share some reflections on her time in Canada, at Pioneer Alberta and being a part of the LEAD program.