Here are some frequently asked questions about summer camp.

Still have questions? Contact us and we will be happy to help.


About Pioneer Camp

Pioneer Camp is owned and operated by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship who has been operating summer camps and year-round outdoor educational programs since 1929. We operate nine summer camps across Canada under the names of Pioneer Camp and Circle Square Ranch.
Pioneer Camp Alberta is one camp with two locations! Pioneer Ranch (Rocky Mountain House) was started in 1951, and Pioneer Lodge (Sundre) was started in 1968. These two sites are approximately 110km apart from one another.

We run day camp & overnight programs throughout the summer for ages 5-19. These programs include leadership camps, camps that focus on specific skills tracks, junior campsteen campsgirls and boys camps and more!

The two sites focus on different age groups:

*Note: parents can send their twelve-year-olds to either location depending on the maturity of their child.

Pioneer Lodge (Sundre) is located 16 km southwest of Sundre, overlooking the Red Deer River Valley with a fantastic view of the Rockies.

Pioneer Lodge Drive Time: 1.5 hours from Calgary’s City Centre, 3 hours from Edmonton’s City Centre, and 1.5 hours from Red Deer.

Pioneer Ranch (Rocky Mountain House) is located on Crimson Lake, 16 km northwest of Rocky Mountain House.

Pioneer Ranch Drive Time: 2.5 – 3 hour drive from both Edmonton and Calgary and about 1 hour and 15 minute drive from Red Deer; travel times being from the edge of each city.

Life at Camp

We encourage you to talk with your child about camp life. We recommend reviewing the Camp FAQs for an overview of all things camp and then chatting with your child.

For example:

  • Pioneer Camp Alberta has 2 camp sites.
    • Campers aged 5-12 will go to our Pioneer Lodge (Sundre) site.
    • Campers aged 12-19 will go to our Pioneer Ranch (Rocky Mountain House) site.
    • Note: the decision to send your 12-year-old to a Lodge or Ranch session is up to each parent, based on the maturity of their child.
  • Campers stay in dorm rooms or cabins at our Pioneer Lodge Site.
  • Campers stay in cabins at our Pioneer Ranch Site.
  • Accommodations are shared with other campers.
  • Cabin leaders greet campers upon arrival at either site.
  • Meals are eaten as a cabin group.
  • Campers do activities as a cabin group.
  • Review the Activities that are available (noting that these activities may not be available at all camp sessions or at both sites).
  • There will be an Overnight Camp-Out for:
    • Pioneer Lodge Sessions: Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Girls Horsemanship, Horsemanship, Quest
    • Pioneer Ranch Sessions: Breakaway
    • Campers sleep in either wall-tents or in 4-6 person tents, depending on if they are doing an overnight camp-out or going on an out-trip. Tents supplied by Pioneer.
  • There are NO overnight camp-outs for Pioneer Lodge Day Camp, Discovery, Explore or Sr. Skills session campers.
  • There will be a Day Trip for Sr. Skills campers
  • There will be a 4 or 5 day Out-Trip for:
    • Pioneer Ranch Sessions: Out-Trip Skills Camp, Sr. Boys and Sr. Girls
  • Review the Sample Camp Schedule together.
  • Review the Packing List together.
  • Etc.
You should have the following expectations:

  • your child will have a good time
  • make new friends
  • learn to do many new things
  • become a member of a new cabin group
If you have any doubts or concerns, call us to discuss them. We want to alleviate your concerns so you can assure your child of his or her camp experience. Be sure to ask your child about any concerns that he/she may personally have. There is a place in the online registration for you to put this information.
Campers rotate throughout the day experiencing different activities relative to their camp session. We often have out-trips, day trips, and overnight camp-outs.
For a general overview of both out-trips and camp-outs, please click here.

For more specific information about individual camp sessions, please contact us.
Pioneer Lodge Campers (Sundre, AB):

  • Day Camp & Overnight Explorers: For Day Campers & Overnight Explorers there is an opportunity to have one horse experience down at the Barns during the week.
  • Discovery Camps: For Discovery Camps, there is an opportunity to have two horse experiences down at the Barns during the week.
  • Jr. Boys, Jr. Boys 2, Jr. Co-Ed, Jr. Girls & Quest: For these camps, there is an opportunity to have two horse experiences down at the Barns during the week.
  • Horsemanship Camps: Campers will have opportunities daily on each full day of camp to interact with horses or to take part in horse care activities.

Pioneer Ranch Campers (Rocky Mountain House, AB)

  • Breakaway: Campers do activities based on a sign-up basis, and riding is always a choice for them. Breakaway campers will have the opportunity to sign up for two horse experiences while at camp.
  • Senior Boys, Senior Girls & Senior Skills: Campers who sign up for the Horseback Riding Out-Trip at Senior Girls or Senior Boys, or the Horsemanship Track at Senior Skills will spend half of each day in their specific skill area. The other half of the day is spent in activities that the camper chooses to sign up for.
    • Senior Boys & Senior Girls campers will also then spend their 5 day Out-Trip riding.
    • Senior Skills campers will have a Day Trip, riding to a specified location on adjacent Pioneer land. (Note: depending on number of campers in this track and horse availability, campers may be divided into two groups, with one group riding to their lunch location and one group walking. A switchover will occur on the way back, with the second group riding and the first group walking.)

Pioneer Camp has an experienced team of cooks who prepare three delicious and nutritious meals and two snacks per day. A fruit bowl is available between meal times throughout the day.

If your child has special dietary requirements, you should consult with the Kitchen prior to their arrival. All dietary restrictions should be indicated on the online application medical form.
Pioneer Lodge (Sundre): Campers sleep either in dorm-style rooms in our Lodge or in duplex log cabins. The rooms in the Lodge have 3 sets of bunkbeds, with one bunk set aside for the cabin leader. The log cabins have 6 twin beds and a bed set aside for the cabin leader. All cabins have covered foam mattresses and electricity. Campers staying in the Lodge have communal washroom/shower facilities. Campers staying in our log cabins have a washroom/shower in each cabin.

Pioneer Ranch (Rocky Mountain House): Campers sleep dorm-style in wood cabins that have 4 sets of bunk beds and a single bed for the cabin leader. Mattresses are made of covered foam. The cabins all have a single light bulb in the centre and a wood stove if the weather gets cold.  Washrooms are communal washhouses near the cabins. (Exception: Out-Trip Skills Campers. See below.)

Overnight Campouts & Out-Trips: Campers generally sleep either in wall-tents (for those going on overnights) or in 4-6 person tents (if going on an out-trip). Tents are provided by Pioneer. It’s recommended that campers bring their own personal ground sheet as well, as some campers may like to take the opportunity to sleep outside under the stars. (Note: Discovery and Explore Campers do not go on overnight campouts and will be staying in onsite Pioneer accommodations.)
No. In extenuating circumstances or if a camper is at camp for an exceptionally long time, laundry can be sent out to a local laundromat for a fee.

For children prone to bedwetting, please pack an additional sleeping bag or set of sheets and a blanket.
Yes, we do. Clothes will be accessible at sign-out at the end of each camp session. To help reduce lost and found items we ask that all possessions brought to camp be labelled. We attempt to help care for the camper’s clothing, but often considerable amounts get left behind.

We will retain lost and found for one month following camp. If not claimed by then, we will donate appropriate items to a local charity. Medication will be disposed of within two weeks following the camper’s week of attendance. Calls to the camp regarding lost and found will be handled as time permits. Any found items will be sent C.O.D. (at your expense).

Campers are encouraged not to bring valuable clothing or possessions. Pioneer Camp is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
InterVarsity Pioneer Camp is a Christian organization that welcomes campers and families from all backgrounds and religious beliefs. Pioneer Camp provides a non-denominational Christian environment for children and youth. This means that we hold core beliefs of the historical Christian faith and that we clearly present Christian faith to campers, in age-appropriate ways. Campers are invited to consider issues of life and faith from a Christian perspective and to decide for themselves. Pioneer Camp staff and volunteers are followers of Jesus and seek to share God’s love through conversation, relationship, activities and all the day to day fun of camp. Campers will participate in a daily Bible study (approximately 1 hour) plus an evening campfire devotional (approximately half an hour) that invites them to consider their own beliefs about Christian values. These are presented through small and large group discussions, skits, songs and Bible stories.

What to Bring

Beside all the normal camp clothes, there are extra items to bring depending on your child’s camp session. Please see our Packing for Camp section for detailed lists. A few weeks prior to your child’s camp session we will send out a Final Instructions email with all of the details you need to know prior to your camper’s time with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Campers should bring enough clothing for the week to two weeks that they are at camp. Day Campers should bring a change of clothing each day as a back-up.

  1. Please label all clothing and luggage with labels or indelible markers.
  2. Please attempt to bring modest clothing appropriate for physical camp activities.

Pioneer Camp is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
Do not bring anything valuable to camp, as occasionally things do get lost or broken.

The following items are not permitted at Pioneer Camp, and if brought, they will be held in the office for the duration of the camper’s session:

  • Cell phones (we have a no cell phone policy, including using it for music, alarm clock or camera. Please bring a separate camera if you want to take photos.)
  • All other electronic games, players, entertainment and communication devices (i.e. iPods, iPads, etc.)
  • Jack knives, hunting knives, matches or lighters (pocket knives for Out-Trips are permitted for Sr. Boys and Sr. Girls camps ONLY)
  • Nuts and/or peanut products
  • Inappropriate reading materials
  • Alcoholic beverages, cigarettes/tobacco products, recreational or illicit drugs (see note)

We reserve the right to send home any camper who fails to cooperate. Pioneer Camp is a NON-SMOKING facility. Please discuss this with your child prior to camp should you consider this to be a concern.


Please note: The use or possession of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes/tobacco products, recreational or illicit drugs is not permitted and will be treated as a serious offence. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

Days at camp are very busy and technology can sometimes get in the way of creating meaningful experiences and developing new friendships. Campers may also lose or break their phones while they are at camp. If your child regularly uses his/her cell phone for an alarm clock or camera, we recommend bringing a cheap camera and alarm clock instead.
Yes, we do!

Pioneer Camp operates a camp store called a Tuck Shop, where campers can purchase candy and pop, as well as camp t-shirts, hoodies, baseball caps, toques, water bottles, Bibles, etc. Clothing prices range from $15-$25 for t-shirts to about $45 for hoodies.

Spending money amounts are optional, but we suggest $20 to $30 per camper for a one-week camp session. A smaller amount would be adequate, of course, if your child does not want to purchase an article of clothing.

How Tuck Deposits Are Added to a Camper’s Tuck Account

Parents have the option of adding spending money (called a Tuck Deposit) to their camper’s Tuck Account at the time of registering them for their camp session. Other options include adding the Tuck Deposit to their camper’s account at a later time or when dropping a camper off at camp.

For parents wanting to add a Tuck Deposit at a later time, please contact the Camp Office and we can assist you with adding it to your camper’s account. Tuck Deposits can be added to a camper’s account throughout their time at camp.

How Tuck Deposits Are Tracked

A Tuck Deposit is credited to your camper’s Tuck Account. Deductions are made from their account when they make a purchase. Any unspent amounts at the end of a camp session can be claimed in the Tuck Shop when picking up your camper.

Any unclaimed amounts will be transferred to a fund for families who are unable to provide Tuck money for their children due to financial or family circumstances.

Confectionary Limits:

  • Pioneer Lodge (Sundre): The maximum allowance is $5 per day for confectionary purchases.
  • Pioneer Ranch (Rocky Mountain House): The maximum allowance is $10 per day for confectionary purchases.
How Often Does Tuck Take Place?

  • At Pioneer Lodge (Sundre) camp sessions: Tuck is every other day.
  • At Pioneer Ranch (Rocky Mountain House) camp sessions: Tuck is every other day.

Please note: Regular camp fees do not include Tuck Shop purchases, camp photos, clothing, or souvenirs.

Arrival and Departure Days

No. All camps are parent drop-off/parent pick-up only.
Unfortunately, no. We are unable to accept early arrivals on registration day.



Our staff will be busy preparing until registration opens for incoming campers. We will not have staff available to assist/mind campers prior to our posted registration times.

Accordingly, please do NOT arrive before the listed registration times on our website.


Click Here for arrival/departure information for our various camp sessions.


If you have questions about Registration Day, please contact us.


Drive Times:

Pioneer Lodge: is located 1.5 hours from Calgary’s City Centre, 3 hours from Edmonton’s City Centre, and 1.5 hours from Red Deer.

Pioneer Ranch: is about a 2.5 – 3 hour drive from both Edmonton and Calgary and about 1 hour and 15 minute Drive from Red Deer, travel times being from the edge of each city.

For both the Pioneer Lodge (Sundre) & the Pioneer Ranch (Rocky Mountain House) locations:


Click Here for arrival/departure information for our various camp sessions.


If you have questions about Departure Day, please contact us.


Please note:

We cannot release children to the custody of anyone except their parent or guardian unless we have received written authorization signed by the parent or legal guardian to release the camper to another individual.


Drive Times:

Pioneer Lodge: is located 1.5 hours from Calgary’s City Centre, 3 hours from Edmonton’s City Centre, and 1.5 hours from Red Deer.

Pioneer Ranch: is about a 2.5 – 3 hour drive from both Edmonton and Calgary and about 1 hour and 15 minute Drive from Red Deer, travel times being from the edge of each city.

Pioneer Camp does not offer an overnight option for campers between camp sessions. Please make arrangements for campers to return home between sessions, as it is an important time of rest and refocus.
LIT participants who are coming as campers to Sr. Girls will NOT be able to stay at camp between LIT and Sr. Girls. Please make arrangements for campers to return home in between camps, as it is an important time of rest and refocus.

Communication during Camp

Telephone:  Campers do not have access to the telephone except under the supervision of a camp director. Please do not send cell phones as they interfere with the camper experience. In case of emergency calls, to or from parents, the camp director or office staff will relay messages as quickly as possible. If a child is severely homesick, we will work with them to overcome it; however, if they need to talk to their parent we will certainly have them call.

Email Your Camper:  Click here

Mail:  Parents are encouraged to write letters and send nut-free parcels to their children. These may be left on registration day to ensure that your child will receive them the week they are at camp. If you mail letters or parcels through Canada Post, please send them early so that your child will receive them the week they are here.

Please do not send food parcels that contain nuts.

Please make sure to include camper’s full name and camp program.

Example for Pioneer Lodge camps sessions (Sundre):

  • Mary Smith (Jr. Girls Camp)
  • c/o Pioneer Lodge
  • Box 660
  • Sundre, AB
  • T0M 1X0
Example for Pioneer Ranch camp sessions (Rocky Mountain House):

  • Mary Smith (Sr. Girls Camp)
  • c/o Pioneer Ranch
  • Box 600,
  • Rocky Mountain House, AB
  • T4T 1A4
Any mail received after the camper has left will be returned to sender.

Internet:  While we understand the importance of staying in touch, Pioneer Camp does not offer Internet access for campers. All electronics are requested to be left with parents or left with the office for the duration of the camper’s stay. This is to prevent loss and to give the camper the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful surroundings God has given us.
Although every camper and situation is unique, Pioneer Camp staff use certain principles to manage homesickness and discipline. In situations of homesickness, caring leaders give campers the attention they need and endeavour to focus the child’s attention on the activities and people that they enjoy at camp. Sometimes writing a letter home helps campers manage their feelings. Though campers often want to call home, this is discouraged as it frequently make homesickness worse, not better. In cases of severe homesickness, camp staff will contact the parents to get helpful tips and strategies for managing the homesickness, as well as to keep parents up to date.

If you are concerned about your child becoming homesick and would like to talk to a director, please contact our office.

Pioneer Camp staff members are trained to have the utmost respect when dealing with all campers, even those who are acting out. No camper is ever disciplined physically. Only when a camper is in danger of causing injury to himself/herself or someone else would a camper be physically restrained. Relevant freedoms or privileges may be taken away for a time until the camper earns the trust of his or her leaders again. If a child proves that he or she cannot function well in the camp environment or if there are significant behavioural concerns, a child may be removed from camp and sent home. Removing a child from camp is at the discretion of the camp director and will result in no refund of camp fees.


If a session only allows you to waitlist, that session is currently full. Please add your child to the waiting list right away to increase the likelihood of them attending camp this summer.
Yes, we do have wait list, and you do not need to pay to put your child on it. To add your child to a wait list, please click here. Please be sure to add your child to the wait list for each session you are interested in registering your child for, as each session has its own individual wait list.


If there are any openings for a session, we will contact families in order of the date they were added to the waitlist. We will notify you how long you have to decide if you would like the spot before we offer it to the next person on the waiting list (approx. 48 hours, unless it is very close to session start date).

Yes, you can register your child for a session AND waitlist them for another session.


If an opening occurs in your waitlisted session, we will notify you and give you the opportunity to; switch to the newly opened session, keep your original session and add the second session, or pass on the newly opened session to the next person on the waiting list.

It can be hard to predict the likelihood of a waitlist opening up.


Waitlist openings are dependent on either:

  1. An already registered family cancelling their child(ren)’s spot
  2. Our ability to increase our capacity.
    • Capacity is dependent on a few factors such as staffing, program availability (i.e. horse availability, canoe availability, etc.), capacity limits (i.e. Covid-related), and other factors.

Generally, the higher up on the waitlist your child is, the more likely they are to get a spot at camp. Occasionally people further up on the waiting list are no longer interested by the time we receive cancellations or are able to increase our capacity, so just because your child’s name is lower on the waiting list doesn’t mean that you won’t be contacted.


If we do have any openings, we will let you know right away and you can decide at that time if you would like to proceed with a booking.

One of our office staff will contact you by phone or email if there is an opening. We will notify you how long you have to decide if you would like the spot before we offer it to the next person on the waiting list (approx. 48 hours unless it is very close to session start date).
Camps are filling up quicker each year. Be sure to follow our Facebook page to watch for when registration opens for next year so that you can register as early as possible. Our registration typically opens mid to late November.

Sample Camp Schedules


8:00 am Wake Up
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 am Bible Study
10:30 – 12:15 am Activity Block 1
12:30 pm Lunch
1:15 – 2:30 pm Chores/Cabin Clean Up/Tuck
2:30 – 3:30 pm Activity Block 2
3:30 pm Snack
4:00 – 5:30 pm Activity Block 3
6:00 pm Supper
7:30 – 9:00 pm Wide Game
9:00 pm Snack
9:15 – 10:15 pm Evening Gathering
10:30 pm Bedtime
11:00 pm Lights Out



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


*During the week, campers will have an opportunity to sign up for the activities of their choice: Horseback Riding, Wall Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Games, and Crafts.

8:30 – 9:00 am Arrival & Free Play Stations
9:00 am Welcome & Circle Time
9:15 am – 10:15 am Activities #1
10:30 am – 11:30 am Activities #2
12:00 pm LUNCH
1:00 pm Free Play
1:30 – 2:30 pm Activities #3
2:45 – 3:45 pm Activities #4
4:30 pm Group Gathering
4:30 – 5:10 pm Pick Up and Free Play



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


*Each day there will be a variety of activities offered. Many include nature exploration and hands-on creative play. Activity groups will be divided by age though there will be several times throughout the day where the whole group is together.


*During the week, there will be an opportunity for each child to have a horse experience down at the Barns. There will also be a couple activity blocks at the climbing wall and archery.

7:45 am Wake Up
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Cabin Clean Up
9:30 – 10:30 am Activity Block 1
10:45 – 11:45 am Activity Block 2
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 – 1:30 pm Rest Time
1:30 – 2:30 pm Activity Block 3
2:30 pm Snack
2:45 – 3:45 pm Activity Block 4
3:45 pm Juice Break
4:00 – 5:00 pm Activity Block 5
5:00 pm Non-candy Tuck
5:30 pm Supper
6:30 – 7:10 pm Evening Game
7:10 pm Snack
7:20 – 7:50 pm Evening Gathering
8:30 pm Lights Out (aka Bedtime)



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


*For each full day, Discovery Campers will experience various activities in their activity blocks. There will be Horseback Riding, Bible Study, Crafts, Climbing, Archery, Hiking, Games, Swimming, etc.


*During the four days campers will have the opportunity to spend two blocks of time horseback riding or doing horse-related activities at the Barns. For non-horse-related blocks, there will be Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Games, and Crafts.

8:30 am Breakfast & Dishes
10:00 am Bible Study Program
11:00 am Family Games
12:30 pm Lunch & Dishes
2:00 pm Activities
3:45 am Snack
4:00 pm Activities
6:00 pm Supper & Dishes
7:00 pm Campfire
7:45 pm Snack



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


More Notes:

7:45 am Wake Up
8:00 am Breakfast
8:45 – 9:15 am Chores/Cabin Clean Up
9:15 – 10:00 am Bible Study
10:00 – 10:15 am Cabin Time
10:15 – 11:30 am Activity Block 1
11:30 – 12:00 pm Tuck/Free Time
12:00 pm Lunch
12:45 pm Boots Up (Rest Block)
1:15 – 2:30 pm Activity Block 2
2:30 pm Snack
2:45 – 4:00 pm Activity Block 3
4:00 – 5:15 pm Activity Block 4
5:30 pm Supper
6:45 – 8:00 pm Evening Program
8:00 – 8:15 pm Snack
8:15 – 9:15 pm Evening Gathering
9:15 pm Bedtime
9:30 pm Lights Out



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


*Midweek, (generally Night #4) campers will go out on the land to sleep in tents or under the stars (optional and weather dependent). For the morning of Day 5, they will have a quick breakfast out on the land and return to the Lodge in time for the first activity block.


*During the week campers will have an opportunity to spend time daily horseback riding or doing horse-related activities at the Barns. For the non-horse-related blocks, there will be Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Games, and Crafts.


*The last full day of camp finishes off with a fun-filled Rodeo in the afternoon!

7:45 am Wake Up
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Chores/Cabin Clean Up
9:15 – 10:00 am Bible Study
10:00 – 11:30 am Activity Block 1
11:30 pm Tuck/Free Time
12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Rest Hour
2:00 – 3:30 pm Activity Block 2
3:30 pm Snack
3:45 – 5:15 pm Activity Block 3
5:15  pm Free Time
5:30 pm Supper
6:45 pm Evening Program
7:45 pm Snack
8:00 pm Evening Gathering
9:00 pm Bedtime
9:30 pm Light Outs



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


*Midweek, (generally Night #4) campers will go out on the land to sleep in tents or under the stars (optional and weather dependent). For the morning of Day 5, they will have breakfast out on the land and spend the morning exploring outside before returning to the Lodge.


*For Junior Boys, a Group Game of Mantracker occurs on the afternoon of the 5th day.


*During the week campers will have the opportunity to spend two blocks of time horseback riding or doing horse-related activities at the Barns. For non-horse-related blocks, there will be Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Games, and Crafts.

8:00 am Wake Up
8:30 am Breakfast/Candy Tuck Orders
9:30 – 10:30 am Bible Study
10:30 – 12:00 pm Activity Block 1
12:00 pm Tuck / Free Time
12:30 pm Lunch
1:15 – 2:30 pm Chores / Cabin Clean Up / Rest Hour
2:30 – 3:30 pm Activity Block 2
3:30 pm Snack
4:00 – 5:30 pm Activity Block 3
6:00 pm Supper
7:00 – 7:45 pm Wide Game
7:45 pm Snack
8:00 – 8:45 pm Evening Gathering
9:00 pm Bedtime
9:30 pm Lights Out



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.

*During the week campers will have the opportunity to spend time horseback riding or doing horse-related activities at the Barns. For non-horse-related blocks, there will be Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Games, and Crafts.

8:00 am Wake Up
8:30 am Breakfast/Clean-up
9:30 am – 12:00 pm Scripture Study
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Free Time
12:30 pm Lunch/Clean-up
1:15 pm – 2:30 pm Seminar/Leadership Training
2:30 pm Snack
3:00 pm – 5:30 pm Out-Trip Leadership Skills***
5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Free Time
6:00 pm Supper/Clean-up
7:30 pm – 8:45 pm Small Group Time
8:45 pm Snack
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm Evening Gathering
10:30 pm Cabin Time
11:00 pm Lights Out



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.

  • Day 1-5: At Pioneer Ranch
  • Day 6-8: Campers will depart after breakfast for a 3-day / 2 night Out-Trip on the land
  • Day 9: At Pioneer Ranch (Celebration Banquet)
  • Day 10-13: Practicum Component at Pioneer Ranch or Pioneer Lodge
    • LIT1s at Pioneer Lodge
    • LIT2s at Pioneer Ranch
  • Day 13: LITs debrief their practicum and head home

Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise. Due to Out-Trip Preparation and participating in the Out-Trips, the daily schedule for Out-Trip Skills Camp is not as standardized as the ones for other overnight camp sessions.


Note: This session is all about campers having the chance to further develop their backcountry camping skills in one of three separate skills tracks: backpacking, canoeing, and horseback riding. We recommend attending Sr. Girls, Sr. Boys, or Sr. Skills first, as OT Skills Camp is designed to take the skills learned at camp further.


Note: This camp is not designed for beginner skill levels, so we reserve the right to refuse registrations of campers who have not yet begun developing their out-tripping skills.

  • Day 1: Campers will be dropped off at our adjacent land (known as Miller’s) which is the base location for our Out-Trip Skills Camp. The focus will be on getting to know each other and reviewing out-tripping skills.
  • Day 2: The morning will be spent in continued out-tripping skills training. Following lunch, campers will head out on their respective Out-Trip skill tracks.
  • Day 2 – 5: Campers are on their Out-Trips, returning to the main campsite at Miller’s on Day 5.
  • Day 5: Campers will return to the Miller’s site in the afternoon, clean up the out-trip gear and share stories of their adventures. The day will end with a feast of celebration for all of the accomplishments, followed by parent pick-up.

7:45 am Wake Up
8:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am – 9:00 am Cabin Clean Up
9:00 am Circle Time
9:15 – 10:15 am Activities #1
10:30 – 11:30 am Activities #2
12:00 pm LUNCH
1:00 pm Free Play
1:30 – 2:30 pm Activities #3
2:45 – 3:45 pm Activities #4
4:30 pm Group Gathering
4:30 – 5:10 Free Play
5:30 pm Supper
6:30 -7:10 pm Evening Game
7:10 Snack
7:20 – 7:50 pm Evening Gathering
8:30 Lights Out (aka Bedtime)



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


*Each day there will be a variety of activities offered. Many include nature exploration and hands-on creative play. Activity groups will be divided by age though there will be several times throughout the day where the whole group is together.


*During the week, there will be an opportunity for each child to have a horse experience down at the Barns. There will also be a couple activity blocks at the climbing wall and archery.

8:00 am Wake Up
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 am Bible Study
10:30 – 12:15 am Activity Option Blocks
12:30 pm Lunch
1:15 – 2:30 pm Chores/Cabin Clean Up/Tuck/Free Time
2:30 – 3:30 pm Out-Trip Skills
3:30 pm Snack
4:00 – 5:30 pm Out-Trip Skills
6:00 pm Supper
7:30 – 9:00 pm Wide Game or Out-Trip Skills
9:00 pm Snack
9:15 – 10:15 pm Evening Gathering
10:30 pm Bedtime
11:00 pm Lights Out



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise. Due to Out-Trip Preparation and participating in the Out-Trips, the daily schedule for Sr. Boys is not as standardized as the ones for our one-week camp sessions.


*Variations to the above schedule are listed below.


*Day 4: Following Chores/Cabin Clean Up/Tuck/Free Time, campers will be participating in “Race to the Beach!” This is a fun race that takes place across all of our property. Campers form teams to compete in the various camp activities, with the race ending at the beach located on Crimson Lake in Crimson Lake Provincial Park.


*Race participation is encouraged, but optional, and those who don’t race become part of the support teams, helping participants complete stations. Supper will be at the beach, followed by…. Lake Games! Campers will return to camp for Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*Day 5: Following Chores/Cabin Clean Up/Tuck/Free Time, campers will spend the afternoon packing for their various Out-Trips. A snack will be available as per usual. Supper will start the evening, followed by a wide-game and then the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*Day 6: Following breakfast and Bible Study, campers will depart for their various Out-Trips.


*Day 6-10: Campers are on their Out-Trips, returning to camp the afternoon of Day 10.


*Day 10: After returning to camp, campers will clean-up, have supper, participate in a wide-game, share Out-Trip stories and end the day with the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*Day 11: On this day campers will sleep in and enjoy brunch mid-morning. In the afternoon campers will put away items used on their Out-Trips, have a snack and then finish off the afternoon with a fun-filled Rodeo! Supper will be next, followed by the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*During Out-Trip Skills: Campers will be learning the skills necessary for participating in their respective Out-Trips.


*During the Activity Option Blocks: Campers will have an opportunity to sign up for the activities of their choice: Blacksmithing, Horseback Riding, Wall Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Axe Throwing, Games and Crafts, etc.

8:00 am Wake Up
8:30 am Breakfast/Clean-up
9:30 – 10:30 am Bible Study
10:30 – 12:15 am Activity Blocks
12:30 pm Lunch/Clean-up
1:15 – 2:30 pm Rest Hour
2:30 – 3:30 pm Out-Trip Skills
3:30 pm Snack
4:00 – 5:30 pm Out-Trip Skills
6:00 pm Supper/Chores/Tuck
7:30 – 9:00 pm Wide Game
9:00 pm Snack
9:15 – 10:15 pm Evening Gathering
10:30 pm Bedtime
11:00 pm Lights Out



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise. Due to Out-Trip Preparation and participating in the Out-Trips, the daily schedule for Sr. Girls is not as standardized as the ones for our one-week camp sessions.


Variations to the above schedule are listed below.


*Day 4: Following Bible Study, campers will participate in a Camping Skills Rotation. (A time where all campers rotate through stations where they are taught backcountry skills such as hygiene, camp set-up, cooking on a stove, map reading, etc.)


Lunch will be a cook-out lunch, followed by a half-day Out-Trip (OT). Canoers will be on the river for their OT. Riders will to for a trail ride. Backpackers will go around Crimson Lake on a 10 km hike.


Supper/Chores/Tuck will start the evening, followed by Section Night. Camp is divided into 3 sections: ages 12, ages 13-14 and ages 15-17. Campers will participate in an activity based on their age groups. This is followed by a snack and the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*Day 5: Following Rest Hour, campers will have an Activity Block. Following Snack Time, they will spend the rest of the afternoon packing for their various Out-Trips. Supper/Chores/Tuck will start the evening, followed by further Out-Trip packing. A snack will be had, followed by the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*Day 6: Following breakfast, campers depart for their various Out-Trips.


*Day 7: Following breakfast, campers ages 12-14 depart for their various Out-Trips.


*Day 10: All campers return to camp after lunch. Upon returning, campers will have clean up, have an out-door supper, enjoy a special Coffee House and end the day with the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*Day 11: Will see campers sleeping in and having a late breakfast. Later on campers will put away items used on their Out-Trips and will participate in an Out-Trip Debrief. Lunch and Rest Hour will be at the usual time, followed by Bible Study.


*Day 12: Following Rest Hour, the final full day of camp will see campers participating in a fun-filled Rodeo and finishing off the afternoon with a wide game!


Afterwards campers will have Free Time/Dock Time. This includes open waterfront for swimming & hanging out. Supper/Chores/Tuck will start the evening, followed by a wide game, a snack and the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


This is followed by “Pack n’ Primp”, a time to pack for going home and getting dressed up for the Banquet (some dress silly, some dress fancy, the whole range). Supper will be next, followed by the Evening Gathering. Bedtime and lights out will be at the usual time.


*During Out-Trip Skills: Campers will be learning the skills necessary for participating in their respective Out-Trips.


*During the Activity Blocks: Campers will have an opportunity to sign up for the activities of their choice: Blacksmithing, Horseback Riding, Wall Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Axe Throwing, Games and Crafts, etc.

8:00 am Wake Up
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 am Bible Study
10:30 – 12:15 am Activity Option Block
12:30 pm Lunch
1:15 – 2:30 pm Chores/Cabin Clean Up/Tuck
2:30 – 3:30 pm Track Time
3:30 pm Snack
4:00 – 5:30 pm Track Time
6:00 pm Supper
7:30 – 9:00 pm Wide Game
9:00 pm Snack
9:15 – 10:15 pm Evening Gathering
10:30 pm Bedtime
11:00 pm Lights Out



Schedules provided are samples only. Schedules are weather dependent and may be adjusted due to changing weather conditions or due to other camp needs as they arise.


*Midweek, (generally Day #4) campers will go on a Day Trip. They will spend part of Day 4 in their respective Tracks preparing for it.

  • *Classic Track campers will have a leisurely walk to and from their designated lunch location. (Note: They may be combined with the Zoom Track campers in this adventure!)
  • *Paddle Track campers will canoe on the North Saskatchewan River to and from a designated lunch location.
  • *Ride Track campers will ride their horses to and from a designated lunch location. (Note: Depending on number of campers in this track, half of the campers may ride to this location, while the other half walk, then switch for the return journey back.)
  • *Zoom Track campers will stay on-site for the initial part of this time working on their track material, then walk to and from a designated lunch location.

Note: All campers will return later in the day to the main Pioneer Ranch site.


*Day 5: Campers will participate in a Track Mix-up (an opportunity to try out the other Tracks on offer) and participate in “The Race!” This is a fun race that takes place across all of our property. Campers form teams to compete in the various camp activities.


*During the Activity Option Block: Campers will have an opportunity to sign up for the activities of their choice: Horseback Riding, Wall Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Swimming, Outdoor Skills, Games, and Crafts, etc.


Our Caring Staff

As part of InterVarsity, we believe that summer camp offers a tremendous opportunity for children and teens to grow and mature emotionally, socially and spiritually. At Pioneer Camp, campers are respected as individuals, challenged and encouraged in all aspects of life, and given the opportunity to experience and develop authentic relationships with peers and leaders. Skill development, social development, personal and spiritual growth are all intentionally fostered by staff and have been hallmarks of the InterVarsity Camp experience since 1929. Finally, and equally importantly, we want every child’s experience to be tremendously fun.
The overall camper to staff ratio is 4:1. Each cabin of 5-7 children will have one leader. The ratio of campers to staff is 6:1 at the barns. Campers are divided into activity groups with two to four staff members who go with them to their activities. There are instructors at each activity that they attend. Trained leaders supervise all activities.
Ruth Lewis, the Executive Director, has over 35 years in youth ministry and has been leading InterVarsity Pioneer Camp Alberta since 2012. Our full-time senior leadership team is skilled in recreation programming, horsemanship and leadership development. Many of our summer staff started out as campers at Pioneer Camp and now put their experience and passion for camp to work every summer.
Eligible staff candidates must be at least 18 years of age. Cabin Leaders are at least 17 years old or graduates of Pioneer’s Leaders In Training program (or equivalent), with other positions being held by enthusiastic volunteers of all ages.
Pioneer’s volunteer summer staff members undergo a rigorous application and interview process. Following the completion of a written application package requiring three references, staff are interviewed by the director and are required to have a criminal record check completed before they can work with children.
Prior to the start of each camp session, our leaders participate in a staff orientation session on a wide variety of topics. Common topics include risk management, first aid and emergency procedures, bully prevention, group dynamics, camper behaviour management, and preparation for activity instruction. Ongoing training and coaching by supervisors and more senior leaders occur throughout the camping season.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety are emphasized at all times at Pioneer Camp. We strive to provide safe and enjoyable activities.

  • There is a qualified medical person on staff, available 24 hours a day.
  • Pioneer Camp leadership staff are trained in First Aid in CPR.
  • Our Kitchen Supervisors have Food Safety Handlers Certificates.
  • Quality, nutritional meals are provided with a variety of healthy snack options at snack times.
  • Drinking water is lab analyzed regularly for quality.
  • Our facilities are inspected on a regular basis and are up to code.
  • Our staff are trained in emergency procedures and safety protocols should they need to be implemented.
  • All campers must provide a valid health number and completed medical information on application. Out-of-province campers must have medical insurance.
  • Emergency Services are available within minutes of camp property (Pioneer Lodge, Sundre is 20 minutes; Pioneer Ranch, Rocky Mountain House is 15 minutes).

There is a qualified medical person on staff, available 24 hours a day. Our leadership staff are trained in First Aid and CPR.

  • Pioneer Lodge, Sundre is 20 minutes away from a medical clinic and Sundre Hospital.
  • Pioneer Ranch, Rocky Mountain House is 15 minutes away from Rocky Mountain House Health Centre.

Yes. Because a high level of care for campers is so important to us, the operation of all activities and facilities where campers could potentially experience injury is governed by our risk management manual. This manual clearly details required supervision levels, equipment checks, and operating guidelines to ensure the safe participation of all campers. As well, campers and staff alike are trained to recognize and respond to signals in case of an emergency. This emergency procedure is practised in a drill early in every session.
Medical care is a vital part of our role for your child at Pioneer Camp. Please advise us at registration if there are any changes to your child’s medical information. The camp reserves the right to refuse admission to any camper with a suspected contagious condition (i.e. chickenpox, lice). To ensure your child has an enjoyable week and to protect other campers, please have any condition treated completely before coming to camp. If this is not possible, please call and reschedule to another week, depending on availability.


Due to the structure of our program, Pioneer Camp requests that medications required throughout the year be sent with your child to camp. All medication brought to camp MUST be kept by camp staff, including vitamins, puffers and Tylenol. They must be labelled properly with medication name and directions for use.


Prescription medication MUST be in the original container or bubble packaged by a pharmacy with the user’s name printed on the label. See our Medication Policy for more information.


If you want your child to carry his/her puffer or EpiPen with them please bring a fanny pack for that purpose. We also request that a second puffer or EpiPen be checked in with the camp medic.

All campers must provide a valid health number and completed medical information on application. Out-of-province and international campers must have medical insurance.

Details regarding medical/behavioural concerns are to be communicated in writing. Please call to discuss any concerns/special needs by phone.
Should your child have severe food allergies, you must call our office and discuss your child’s condition before your camper application will be processed. This will allow us to ascertain whether we can accommodate your child safely and enable us to prepare appropriately to ensure your child has an enjoyable stay at camp. Pioneer Camp will make every effort to accommodate allergies; however, we cannot guarantee that there will be no trace of an allergen in food served. We strive to be a nut-free facility and do not knowingly serve foods containing nuts. We sell only nut free products in our camp store/Tuck Shop.
Pioneer Camp does not guarantee a nut-free environment, however we are nut-aware. To reduce the risk of exposure we do not use, serve, or sell peanuts, peanut products, or tree nuts. However, the foods we purchase and serve, or sell in our tuck shops, may contain traces of nut or peanut products.

How can you help protect those with nut allergies?
If you have food containing nuts or nut products when you get to camp, turn them over to Pioneer Camp staff.

Summer Camp Parents: Please send care packages to your child(ren) that only contain nut-free products.

In the interest of protecting your children, please note that all campers will undergo a lice check on the day of registration. All campers must be lice and nit free to attend camp. It is imperative parents check their children for evidence of lice prior to coming to camp. The head check will take place upon arrival, once campers have signed in, by our Camp Medic and assistants. This is part of our general registration process for every camp and every camper.

If a camper arrives with lice/nits, they will be asked:

  • To return home to receive treatment until they are lice/nit free. (We will make every effort to accommodate the camper in a later session during the summer.)


  • Complete treatment(s) at camp (approximately $40/treatment)

We provide approved riding helmets, which all campers are required to wear when horseback riding. Campers may bring their own approved riding helmet. No bike helmets please.
Pioneer Camp is a smoke-free facility. Smoking by campers is prohibited.
We will try to achieve an enjoyable camping experience in a safe and caring environment through awareness, prevention and community development to the best of our ability. Bullying does occur at camp, but it is a rare occurrence due to the short length of stay, supervision, and busy camp schedule. Through various strategies we are attempting to eliminate the concern to provide your child with a positive, memorable experience.

To learn more, see our policy on Bullying and Misbehaviour.
Campers and staff are transported to and from off-site trips/Out-Trips in Pioneer approved vehicles or buses hired from a certified transportation company.

Registration & Camper Fees

It’s based on age of camper the day that a session starts. Campers must meet exact age requirements to register (i.e., campers must have turned six to attend an ages 6-9 program).

We understand that challenges may arise with this criteria. For assistance, contact the office.

We love it when friends come together!

Roommate requests should be of the same age or grade.

Enter the friend’s name on the online application when you are registering your child. Please provide first and last name of the friend with correct spelling (partial names are not helpful). If you want to add a roommate request after you have registered your child, please contact the Camp Office and we can add that to your child’s registration information.

Sr. Boys & Sr. Girls camp sessionsHousing for these sessions are based on Out-Trips. For friends to be together in the same cabin, they MUST BE in the same Out-Trip option in order to be roomed together.

We ask that friend requests are limited to two friends per camper. Large groups (4 or more) may be separated to accommodate other campers’ needs.

Rooming requests are not guaranteed, but we will do our absolute best to accommodate your camper’s request and help them and their friends have a memorable time at camp!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call 403-638-2660.

Fees include all meals for camp sessions, housing, activities, use of all recreational equipment and facilities, instruction in activities, Out-Trips and awards.
Fees do NOT include:

  • Transportation to and from the camp
  • Cost of any prescription medications that must be filled for your child while they are at camp
  • Cost of returning lost and found items or left behind medications/prescriptions.
  • Cost of lice treatments (should your child require them)
  • Tuck Shop purchases

Cancellation Policy


1. If the camp is required to reduce enrolment in registration for any reason:


Priority registrations will be given by date of registration; those who have registered first will retain their session of preference. Once we have reached our weekly capacity for camper/staff onsite, a waitlist will be set up and the applicant will be placed on it. If there are sessions that are not full and that the applicant is eligible to attend, your registration can be moved to one of those sessions.


2. In the event a camp session is cancelled for any reason, the camp will issue a refund for the value of the fees of the unexpired term.


3. If parent/guardian/participant chooses to withdraw their camp registration, regular cancellation policies will be in effect:


Day Camp Cancellation Policy: If you choose to cancel more than two weeks prior to the start of camp, you will receive a full refund less a $30/session administration fee.


Family Camp Cancellation Policy: If you choose to cancel more than two weeks prior to the start of camp, you will receive a full refund less a $50/person/session administration fee.


Overnight Camp Cancellation Policy: If you choose to cancel more than two weeks prior to the start of camp, you will receive a full refund less a $75/session administration fee.


All Camps: If a cancellation occurs less than two weeks prior to the start of the camp session, there will be NO REFUND except for medical reasons confirmed by a note from a doctor. In that case, you will get a full refund less the administration fee. No refund will be made for dismissals due to disciplinary action, late arrivals or early departures.


If a child/participant is unwell while at camp and it is determined that withdrawal from camp is required, the camp will credit the family the value of fees for the unexpired term. Depending on availability, the family can use their credit to rebook the child in an alternate session when they are back to full health.


If this is not possible, the camp will issue a refund for the value of the unexpired term or credit the family for a future event or camp session.

Yes, financial assistance is available for those who qualify. Camper scholarships are given to help cover the cost of camp registration fees only (they do not include taxes, Tuck deposits or transportation fees). Assistance is at the discretion of the Director.

For more information, please contact the Camp Office. You can reach us by email at [email protected] or at 403-638-2660.

The deadline for applications is June 30.
On our online application we accept E-transfer, Visa, MasterCard and Visa/Debit cards. Through mail or in person, we also accept cheques (at least 1 month before camp session begins), money orders, and cash. Please note that a camp spot will not be held until we have received a deposit and that there is a maximum of two weeks allowed for the deposit’s submission.
Yes! When registering for camp, a deposit is required to hold the camper’s spot and the remainder is due June 1st. We offer a variety of payment plans to choose from on our online registration. If you would like a custom-made payment plan that is different than those that are offered, please contact our office and we can set that up for you.